Machine Technology
Machine Technology students will learn the following skills: Blueprint Reading; Inspection, Basic GD&T, and Precision Measurement; Layout and Benchwork Skills; Drill Press Skills; Lathe Operations; Milling Operations; Surface Grinding Basics; CNC Mill Basics; CNC Lathe Basics; and Cam Basics.

Areas of Study
- Performing Layout Work
- Part Inspection
- Bench Work
- Drill Presses
- Grinding Machines
- Lathes
- Milling Machines
- Machines and Tools
- Blueprint Reading
- CNC Operation
Career Opportunities
- Machine Tool Operators
- Tool & Process Control Operators
- Machinists
- Tool & Die Maker
- Cutting, Punching & Press Machine Operators

O*NET OnLine has detailed descriptions of the world of work for use by job seekers, students, researchers, and more!

Students Occupationally and Academically Ready (SOAR) programs of study prepare today’s student for tomorrow’s high demand and high wage careers.

See how PA Bureau of Career and Technical Education SOAR Programs of Study taken at the High School level may transfer into participating postsecondary institutions and technical centers.

Skills in occupations within advanced manufacturing are validated through the National Institute for Metalworking Skills (NIMS) credentials. The credentials are earned through secondary, post secondary, apprenticeship programs and work-based curricula that include both “hands-on” performance and theory tests. NIMS credentials allow employers to hone their credentialing requirements and choose those certifications that are applicable to the needs of the company.

Machine Technology students can earn the following NIMS credentials:
- NIMS Job Planning, Benchwork, and Layout
- NIMS Measurement, Materials, and Safety
- NIMS Drill Press I
- NIMS Turning I (Chucking)
- NIMS Turning I (Between Centers)
- NIMS Milling I
- NIMS Grinding I
- NIMS Certificate of Special Merit
- NIMS CNC Lathe Operations
- NIMS CNC Lathe Programming, Setup, and Operations
- NIMS CNC Mill Operations
- NIMS CNC Mill Programming, Setup, and Operations
SCTC's Cooperative Education Program provides students with hands-on learning opportunities through on-site work for local companies.
What is The Co-op Program?
- Bridges the classroom-to-employment gap
- Provides real-world experience
- Builds your resume
- Refines program skills
- Presents networking opportunities
Thank you to all of our Machine Technology industry partners!